Energy Medicine Therapy with Jason Wood

EMT is a form of therapy that incorporates spiritual counseling and energy body work. EMT is designed to release limited and painful belief structures. Somatic psychology has always believed that emotions and the body are closely linked. Modern day psychologist state that 5% of our behavior is dictated by our conscious thoughts, while 95% of our behavior is operated by our subconscious thoughts. EMT believes that these subconscious thoughts come from these beliefs structures that are stored in our body. The human body is a wonderful instrument designed to protect us from outside dangers. During our early years of child development our body begins to store information that will be utilized in the subconscious to dictate our behavior. The purpose of this stored information is to keep us safe. The problem occurs when we are no longer in danger but we believe we are because of these stored memories being triggered. EMT releases these memories, which have become dense energies stored in the body, by creating a safe space so that an individual does not become triggered and by utilizing various energy body work modalities. These modalities include reiki, sound therapy, crystal sonic therapy, and nature based practices. Sessions are 2 1/2 hours long. Although EMT is a wonderful healing modality it is still advised that one continue to seeks assistance from a mental health professional.

EMT can assist those that feel trapped and overwhelmed with a life decision, are confused about what direction to go in life, and to help develop an overall sense of peace and happiness.

Cost: $150.00 (discounts available for those that can not afford the full amount.)

Call Jason @ 201-527-8668 to schedule an appointment.


Reiki with Lynda Ferrara

Reiki is an ancient, gentle hands on Japanese technique used to accelerate the body’s natural ability to relax, reduce stress and heal itself on all levels; physical, emotional and spiritual. As our inner harmony is supported, we are better able to restore and maintain our delicate balance in the world we live. The word Reiki translates to Universal (Rei) Life Force Energy (Ki) which is the energy that runs through our bodies giving us life. In a Reiki session, the practitioner simply channels more of that same energy into your body. The flow of Reiki energy brings the body, mind and spirit to its optimal state of alignment and balance. Reiki is non-invasive, supportive and completely safe for everyone.

This one hour Reiki session will be enhanced with aromatherapy, soothing music, crystal energies and angel cards. Lynda has certifications in Usui Reiki level 1, 2 and Reiki Master. She is a register yoga teacher with added certification in Yin Yoga, Children’s Yoga, Yoga for Every-Body and Yoga for Addiction. Lynda is a “Yoga of Recovery” counselor and a longtime volunteer for the non-profit organization “Kula for Karma”.

Cost: $85

Call Lynda @ 551-404-3292 or email to schedule an appointment.

Soul Restore with Lorin Oneal.. coming soon


Awakened Transformation with Zachary Wolfgang

Zachary Wolfgang was set on his path to becoming a healer after a vision from a near death experience.He began studying Reiki and Magical Awakening energy healing which set the ground work for learning to allowing more healing energies to come through him. Zachary then began to incorporate shamanism, herbalism, and crystals into his practice. Recently, he took a Tarot class which helped make him confident in his intuition. Further more, he started using the frame drum and rattles to help him become empty, allowing him to be a channel for healing.

Zachary uses shamanic instruments, tones, breath work, and whistling to create a sacred space for your session. He allows the correct frequency to match up with your energy field which allows the healing to take place. Incense and crystals are used to further assist the transformation or healing. Zachary also uses the wisdom of the Tarot to help gain insight into your situation.

Cost: $85

Call Zachary @ 862-221-2294 or email an appointment


Reiki with Christina Trefurt

Reiki is an advance mediative, gentle hands on or off technique performed by trained reiki practioners that activates and balances the healing energies within us. It promotes a soothing comfort and assists us to activate our own wellness of mind, body , and spirit.

What you can expect from Christina's Reiki session is a gentle hands on touch. She will provide soft soothing meditation music, or a quiet setting. The experience of Reiki is very comforting, during the session you may feel a very slight tingling, heat, energy, or nothing at all, some people fall into a deep sleeplike meditative state, while others are relaxed and calm. The most common experience is an almost immediate release of stress and a feeling of deep relaxation. Reiki energy heals on all levels, when this healing is taking place, there are blockages removed , mental/emotional blockages released , and balancing of energy flow threw out the bodys energy field.


Call Christina @ 201-753-0959 to schedule an appointment