"Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain." ~ Carl Jung
Learning the self-test o-ring method of muscle testing will enable you to solve some of those mysteries. Muscle testing is the most widely used and accepted method of accessing the internal computer system of the body which is linked with a Universal Energy field.
The principal behind muscle testing is this. You are testing muscle strength and weakness in response to a stimulus. The stimulus can be anything - a substance, an idea, an emotion, an image, a specific question with a clear yes or no answer. If the stimulus agrees with you or the answer is yes, your muscles with be strong; if it doesn't agree with you or the answer is no, your muscles will weaken.
Along with learning how to muscle test, in this workshop you will learn some simply strategies to help with everyday ailments such as headaches, stomach problems, colds & flu, stress, anxiety and insomnia.
Come learn how to be your own holistic detective and customize the healing process to your needs. I encourage you to bring a notebook and something to write with.
Bridget Barrett owner of Kaleidoscope Holistic Concepts: Where Light and Possibility Collide, is certified in Multiple Modalities including Reiki, Magical Awakening (Brett Bevell) and The Gate (Yohai Israel). She has attended countless seminars and classes over the last 30 years. Her greatest teacher, however, has been herself.
Cost: $35.00 if register before 3/3
$50.00 if register after 3/3
To Register call 201-527-8668 or pandorahealingcenter@gmail.com