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Enana: Living From I Am with Dale Hoffman

When Yeshua (Jesus) made statements such as “I Am the Way, and the Truth and the Life” or “I Am the Light of the world”, was He speaking about Himself? Viewed in His native ancient Aramaic language, the words “I Am” (Aramaic “Enana”) come alive when understood within the cultural context in which He spoke them. We awaken to the realization that many of our modern interpretations of His teachings are often perfectly opposite of their original ancient meaning.

Dale Allen Hoffman draws together numerous written sources of Yeshua’s ancient teachings and shares startling insights and profound experiential practices to help us rekindle our conscious awareness of the Presence of God within our own heart. Phrases such as “I Am the Gate” and “I Am the Bread of Life” take on an entirely fresh and awakened meaning as Dale offers us the opportunity to intimately experience what St. Francis of Assisi was referring to when he said “What you are looking for, is what is what is looking.”

To learn more about Dale visit his website:

Cost: If register before 7/7 $35.00 and $45.00 if register after 7/7

To register call 201-527-8668 or email