Unlike the more general group-based I AM Sonic Immersion Circle event, your personal Pyradym session with Dale and Loretta will be your own intimate sonic transmission. Many report powerful visionary experiences including echoes of past lives, visits from their spirit guides and at the very least, participants describe a very pronounced expansion of their awareness resulting in a profound, deeply nurturing stillness and Presence.
Personal sessions are offered on a comfortable, customized sound resonance table with the added experience of audiophile-quality headphones and subtle etheric energy field work from Dale and Loretta.
60 Minute Personal PYRADYM Galactic Alchemy Sessions
Cost: $100 per person
Please call 201-527-8668 to reserve your appointment.
Dale Allen Hoffman https://www.daleallenhoffman.com/ is an ancient Aramaic wisdom keeper and mystic sharing long - suppressed ancient secrets and healing modalities. Dale is the only soul on earth sharing a living, breathing vision of the original Aramaic Yeshua (Jesus) and Maaryam Magdalitha (Mary Magdalene) energetic alchemy wisdom from the Biblical, Gnostic and Mystery School philosophies as one pure revelation.
He has published numerous audio and video programs and is author of the book Echoes of an Ancient Dream: Aramaic Toning on the Path of Light. Dale is joined by Loretta – his wife of 20 years – a well-known visual arts model, performance artist and energetic healer.