Love brings us to life, gives us courage and inspires us to service and sacrifice. To live fully, we need to learn how to heal the wounds of love which we all carry.
To heal the emotional wounds of the heart, we need to bring calm to the nerves that hold the wound. We know that a break in relationship (to others or to our Self) has almost identical reactions in the nervous system and brain as a physical injury or loss of limb.
We have all been hurt along the way by certain relationships and circumstances. There are people we have loved and lost- either by the physical separation of death or a parting of ways because of anger, substance abuse, mental illness, betrayal or inexplicable abandonment. There may be psychic voids and subliminal pain from childhood events whose details we cannot even consciously recall. There may be profound regrets for opportunities we passed up or heartfelt desires that could not be fulfilled and for which we grieve.
Is this somewhat familiar to you? Does this resonate with you? Does something deep inside tell you its time to do the spiritual mending that necessary to trust love again, that simply moving on is not helping you to heal? Do you feel a lingering sadness that you've been in denial about?
Be guided with ancient and modern tools that deliver. In honoring yourself this Valentines Day~(Love day)~consider delving into the therapeutic practice of healing deep soul-wounds with the technology of Kundalini Mantra Medicine.
The mantra that will be given is called Mere Man Loche, aka Shabad Hazaaray, which is a prayer of longing for the Beloved. It was written by Guru Arjan, the fifth Sikh Guru, when he was separated from Guru Ram Das, his father for a duration of time. During that period of separation he sent these three letters to his beloved Guru and father expressing his longing for the "blessed vision of the Guru". Reciting this prayer brings union with your beloved; it expresses in deep terms the true sense, the hurt of separation; the pain endured by the heart when the thought remains focused just on union and nothing else holds any meaning; when everything else loses any interest or meaning. It is an ultimate expression of love and longing for the Divine Beloved.
The 'Mera Man Loche' can heal the wounds of childhood abandonment, broken relationships, and inner pain that comes from the inability to accept and love ourselves as we are.
This meditation is meant to bring positive change to your current relationships while removing past pains that have imbedded themselves in your heart and psyche. To start with you can do this meditation for 11 days. As you do it, you will feel clarity and empowerment to make positive change and to begin to experience authentic relationships. You can continue doing this meditation daily for as long as you feel it serves you.
In this seminar will also practice the clinically proven healing model "HeartMath" Breathing technique, as well as conscious streamed journaling, supported partner sharing and focused prayer.
Register now as space is limited.
A minimum of one Kundalini yoga class or familiarity with chanting is suggested for this practice. Please wear white clothing to expand and purify both the individual aura and the space. Opt for pastels over intense pigmented or black clothing. Bring a journal and pen. Queries about this work can be made directly to the facilitator at
Cost: $25 per person
About the facilitator:
Lorin Oneal (Jivanjeet Kaur) is a KRI Certified, RYT , former owner/creator of Ma Yoga, specializing in Kundalini Yoga & Meditation. She is also trained in Anusara Yoga, is a Master Level Reiki Healer, Licensed Massage Therapist and is an Ordained Spiritual Minister with 20 years of experience guiding and inspiring others.