Family Constellations description:
It is challenging for many of us to consider that the dynamics of the family system in which we grew up follow us out into our lives beyond our family of origin. These dynamics come with us into the families we create with our partners, the companies that we work for and build, the groups and organizations that we join, our friendships outside of family.
The dynamics arise from the unique consciousness of the system which strives to include everyone who belongs and to ensure its survival, even at the expense of an individual on behalf of the whole. When a father loses the family’s money, when a grandmother dies in childbirth, when a young child dies, the system seeks rectification and to integrate those forgotten or excluded. So younger members of the system unconsciously feel the pull of the fate of a member of a previous generation.
When we look at symptoms from a systemic perspective we have the chance to find rectification and to give a good place to the excluded ones so that nobody needs to follow their fate. Anxiety, depression, addiction, relationship difficulties, or conflict at work can all benefit from this broader perspective. Seeing the root of the issue offers relief and the possibility the change the behavior and the pattern.
Family Constellations work offers a space where unconscious loyalties can come to light and be transformed into healthier bonds.
Come join us on Saturday, July 21, 1pm-4pm for an investigation into the powerful work of Bert Hellinger's Family Constellations. Bring your questions and a willingness to work on behalf of others and for yourself.
Cost : Preregistration is $45 and $55 at the door.
About Kerry
Kerry Kay has twenty years of experience as a hands-on healing practitioner. She is trained in Reiki (Master), Jin Shin Jyutsu, Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellations. She has practiced in in the tri-state area and presented her work internationally and offers regular group workshops and private sessions in central New Jersey.