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Inner Relationship Focusing: Transforming Your Toughest “Stuff” Into Emotional Healing

Why is it that there can be such a disconnect between our emotional understanding and experience – and our everyday life?

It’s because we’ve learned how to relate to our everyday issues in a way that tends to actually create this gap. Most of us tend to go back and forth between clinging to who we think we are – or should be – and pushing away the messy stuff. Or maybe we cling to the messy stuff as who we really are and see our ideals as far away and out of reach. We often flip between the two sides of this one coin.

How Does Inner Relationship Focusing Help?

Step-by-step, with a diamond-like clarity, IRF shows us how to use the finely tuned lens of the Body to come into a brand-new relationship with our experience. It shows us an alternative to the deeply ingrained, self-defeating pattern of identifying ourselves as our experience or pushing it away. It shows us how to be with our experience, just as it is. This is the key to allowing it to actually transform and open up into the rich possibilities for life that many of us seek. 

Focusing is the ability to drop down below repetitive concepts and emotional states, and freshly sense the implicit dimension of some life issue in the body. Research on client process, performed by Eugene Gendlin and others at the University of Chicago, demonstrated that clients who spoke articulately about their problems did not do as well in therapy as those who, in some moments in the session, were in contact with something freshly and immediately felt that they could not articulate easily—the “felt sense." (taken from 

Jocelyn Jacks Kahn has taught IRF since 2009, in the form of both in-person and telephone classes. I also offer individual guided sessions in person and over the phone. Questions? I can be reached at (201) 790-5604

This Workshop is 5 weeks long and will meet once a week on Thursday evenings. The dates are 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11 and the time will be 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Cost: $325.00

To register please email and you will be sent a link to input your information and make a payment for the workshop.