Does hearing that Mercury is about to go retrograde put you in a tizzy or have you running for the hills? Solar Flares got you down, or up?! We are certainly contending with a host of unique celestial movement dynamics at this time in our collective evolution, but is it possible to shift the effect through exploration and understanding and adjust our inner constellations for a more graceful experience.
It's undeniable that planetary alignments have a determinate effect on the behavior of people, animals, and even elements. Every indigenous wisdom culture observed planetary transits with precise ritual to honor and align with the energy of these powerful titans. Just like we employ herbs, crystals, sound, essential oils, mantra and movement to incite healing, so too can we utilize the celestial bodies and their archetypal energy in our journey to homeostasis. In fact, each of these earthbound vibrational medicines embody with a preponderance of the planetary essence.
In this two hour workshop we will briefly discuss the archetypal energy of each celestial body in this solar system and then receive an hour long planetary healing.
To learn more about Nicole visit her website:
cost:$45.00 if register before 1/7, $55.00 if register after 1/7
to register call 201-527-8668 or email