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Why and How to Detox Your Body with Robin Garmise, CHNC

Why and How to Detox Your Body

Our Natural State is Health - It's Your Birthright

Learning how to detoxify and cleanse your body will greatly improve your overall health, and it is an amazing routine to add to your life! A body that is clear of built-up toxins is one that is vibrant, glowing, and full of energy.

This is actually our natural state and it is everyone's birthright to feel this way; It is how we are meant to feel!

When you learn how to detox, it is often remarked that one feels better and younger than they have in years, and that they never knew they could feel this good. After cleansing, people feel a glimpse of what it feels like to be in their natural state of vibrant and energized health and, naturally, they want to continue to feel this way.

I think this is a very important point so I want to stress it again. It is not our natural state to feel tired all the time, to experience digestive distress each day, or to be riddled with aches and pains. It is our natural state to feel happy, vibrant, energized and positive! It is our natural state to feel motivated and full of creative ideas. It is our natural state to want to jump, dance, laugh, and play: all day long.

In this workshop I will share with each of you: 

  • The science and background for body cleansing and detoxification.  
  • Why it is an amazing tool for healing.  
  • How to implement a cleansing any time you are not well, and also throughout the year as a preventative and health promoting protocol.  

Through learning how to detox, I have experienced many wonderful things and have seen many others have life changing experiences.   It is an amazing process and such a gift to give yourself.


Cost: $15

 Robin Garmise, CHNC

  Holistic Nutrition Consultant


Health and nutrition have long been my passion.  After, years of my own health struggles, and 30 years of working in the publishing industry I returned to school and received my certification in Holistic Nutrition Consulting from the American College of Healthcare Sciences. I was educated in dietary theories and studied extensively the role of traditional foods in health and wellness.  Additionally, I have studied in depth the role of digestive wellness and how it plays a key role in overall health and wellness.  I am currently in a 1-year mentorship program with Dr. Diane Mueller and her partner Miles Nicols, under their tutelage, I will gain certification in the practice and techniques of functional medicine and mindfulness.  


My goal is to guide you on your individual path to achieving wellness through sustainable changes for a healthier you. Whether it be weight loss, digestive health, blood sugar management or autoimmune issues, together we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.


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