Qigong translates as movement + breath = meditation. This is the practice of guiding the mind and body through specific gentle movements, with the breath to create a meditative healing state inside the body. Qigong is a technique to retrain the body to heal its self. Medical Qigong strengthens the organs, aids in digestion, balances the hormones, and calms the nervous system. Our bodies are amazing machines that given the right opportunity they can live a long stress free life. Through imbalances in our diets, environmental factors, physical demands, emotional and mental strain, and genetic imbalances our bodies start to break down. This practice we will be sharing for health and longevity is to reeducate the body of it's natural state. A place of peace and balance. Qigong is open to all levels, and most exercises can be done seated or standing. In this class we will be practicing mindful meditation, guided imagery, along with our moving practice. This will give you many simple tools to practice at home.
Tuesday Mornings 9:30-10:45am
FREE Trial class on November 1st.
November 8, 15, 22, & 29
Cost: $60 series. $17 Drop-in