Under the Sagittarius Full Moon we will kiss good bye the past and learn to let go. Forgiveness is a hard thing for people to surrender to, whether it is forgiving themselves or another person. Once we shift our frequency from blame and victim. We are able to see with compassion and recognize that the other person is you. Only then are we able to to open up to humility and healing. Forgiveness isn't about who is right and who is wrong, and does not mean what the other person or yourself did is right, it's about acknowledging that what happened happened and let's move on. In this Full Moon Workshop we will use the Sagittarius Full Moon and embrace what might seem challenging, but it’s in the nature of the far-sighted archer to take chances in pursuit of a better self: emotional freedom, healing and liberated outlook will be the theme for this Full Moon workshop. Under the waxing of the moon we will infuse Kundalini as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Mantra, Sound Healing and sacred fire to heal our hearts and open up to transformation.
Cost: $35.00 if register before 5/20 and $45.00 if register after 5/20
Register by calling 201-527-8668 or email pandorahealingcenter@gmail.com