Discovering Mediumship is a class series in which those present will learn how to better develop their own unique gift set in order to have a closer relationship with Spirit. The class is perfect for beginners and also those who would like to expand their own personal knowledge and gain an greater perspective on their own gifts. The class is a mixture of lecture, philosophy, exercises, sharing and practice. Tips will be presented each week for further exploration away from class.
This is a six week series. We will meet every Tuesday @ 7:00 - 9:00 pm starting June 21 and ending July 26.
Class will include:
*Developing and Unfoldment of Mediumship and Psychic Abilities
*The Mechanics, Ethics and Practice of Mediumship
*Guides and Angels role in Mediumship
*Discussion of different types and styles of mediumship
*Theories, exercise sand time for practice
*Psychometry, Color, Meditation and Sitting for Spirit
Cost: $150.00 if register before 6/19 and $180.00 is register after 6/19
Register by calling 201-527-8668 or emailing