Have you ever been haunted by a dream – whether it was a childhood dream, a dream that won’t stop coming over the years, a dream that scares you or a dream that opens something new or unknown.
Join Jill Eras and Sue Scavo, Archetypal Dreamworkers, to open your dreams. Every dream has a vital teaching for us that is offered through the experience of the dream. With tenderness, Jill and Sue will work with participants to open moments from dreams to discover the treasure they hold.
No experience with working with dreams is necessary – simply come with an open heart, an open mind and your own natural curiosity.
To learn more about Jill visit her website: http://jilleras.com/
To learn more about Sue visit her website: http://www.suescavo.com/
cost: $35.00
To register call 201-527-8668 or email pandorahealingcenter@gmail.com