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7:7 New Moon Generational Cleanse

7:7 The Eve of The New Moon

Cleansing of Generations

Healing Ancestral Karma w/ Abhaijot

The ancestral line carries your family history, the beliefs, experiences, dramas, traumas, dominant emotions and assigned roles that stretch back into eternity. Ancestral not just physical DNA includes subtle energetic DNA and an energetic web encompassing past, present and future- and beyond. Even though we may consciously disagree with the lives that our parents lived, an inclination to have the same dramas unfold in our own lives somehow seems to pop up and get lived through us—without us even seeing it. We seem to adhere to those traumatic events, even though they have may be been horrific for us. They become the unseen or unconscious script that compulsively plays out in our own life when we approach a similar time in our life. Our ancestors also carried many benefits in our heritage that can provide a truly rich texture to our lives, and give us great foundations. But as we know, we can also inherit some really difficult subconscious calls to action as well. Yogi Bhajan said that when are liberated, we also liberate 7 generations back and 7 generations forward. That's healing all of those strings to those subconscious scenarios of not only our parents, but 6 more generations of ancestors That is 508 people—half mothers and half fathers. The lineage breakers in the family incarnate to break the chain and start a new trend in turn healing the 7 generations ahead. During this powerful healing workshop we will honor our ancestors who followed us here to be liberated and healed, and heal the ancestral wounds with Kundalini as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

*Please bring journal, picture of your ancestors and a sacred item for the alter.

This will be a healing space creating a deep healing environment for yourself and your lineage.


Cost: $60 Before 11/25. $75 After 11/25

Abhaijot Kaur has always had a deep passion for yoga, a born healer spiritual junkie she started practicing 21 years ago and never stopped. A Vegetarian for 21 years, and most recently a Vegan for the last 3 years. The union of the mind, body, and soul has helped her throughout her life live in a more compassionate heart filled abundant way. Her biggest joy in yoga has always been the Bhakti (devotion) of it. It was no wonder that through Bhakti her Shakti (essence of bliss) was revealed and that was service and Kundalini Yoga. Countless workshops with the great masters, Guru Dev Singh, Gurmukh, and devotional chanting with Gurunam eventually lead her home to the sacred land of India for her Kundalini Teachers Training through Golden Bridge Yoga with her teacher Gurmukh, and masters Gurushabd, Guru Dharam, and Guru Dev Singh followed with traveling the sacred land with her dear friend Gurunam. It was through Kundalini that Abhaijot was able to develop her born healing abilities even deeper to help others. Abhaijot is honored to serve others through the technology of Kundalini Yoga. Abhaijot is Kundalini Yoga Therapist, a Khalsa Way Certified prenatal teacher, Sat Nam Rasayan practitioner, is currently in Advanced Teacher's TherapyTraining with Guru Dharam, and a T.A. at Golden Bridge Yoga Teacher Trainings, she serves the Kundalini teachings to low income Women and Teens at Oasis in Paterson, NJ and teaches meditation in corporate offices. Her love affair and gratitude for Yogi Bhajan the master of Kundalini and all of its teachings continues to embody her heart, life and classes with healing love, depth, transformation abundance, and light. More information on Abhaijot and her services at